Freeing Public City Data

Making Richmond's GIS data accessible

The City of Richmond makes a lot of its data publicly accessible, I’m told, in an effort to encourge “civic hacking”. I’m not yet sure where all of this data is - there’s no data clearinghouse that I’m aware of - but the city does publish some of the standard data you’d expect. Real estate parcels, voting precincts, police crime reports, etc. And like many of the government provided data sets in the past the city’s data sets reflect prioritizing public access over public accessibility.

Data interfaces

You can look up information about city real estate, including assessments and transaction histories, but on a parcel by parcel basis. You’ll need either a street address or a parcel identifier. You can look through police crime reports, too, although you need to do so by selecting a top level category like neighborhood or precinct and then filtering down. Here’s what that interface looks like.

Richmond City police department

And here’s a snapshot of the crime statistics in my neighborhood after selecting statistics by neighborhood for the last month.

Carytown crime stats

You can download the detailed data for an individual category’s crime statistics for the given time period, but you’re restricted to doing so for that category (e.g. neighborhood) and time period. There’s no apparent pan-category data dump. So to get this data out you need to write a spider to get the data for you. And of course the data must be requested through a single endpoint by HTTP POST with the requisite cookies set.

As for the real estate data, there is no such way to download the city’s real estate data, although you can purchase the public data set for $100. I’m planning on requesting the entire set.

Paid or not, there are no APIs that I’ve been able to find.

Maps and data formats

The city makes its GIS data available available however via an FTP site. This sounds absolutely quaint until you realize how simple it is and completely superior than our options for pretty much every other data set.

For statistical data it’s pretty common to find this offered in one or more types of Microsoft Office formats and then a text format. At least with a text file you can usually read it into any program of your choice for storage or analysis.

With the city’s geographic data, this is all offered in ESRI shapefiles. This is a standard GIS format and in many ways it makes perfect sense to offer the data directly in this format. It doesn’t require any conversion (i.e. extra work) and most of the professionals who might be using this data will be using GIS software compatible with shapefiles. Most “civic hackers” probably won’t be though. And for my immediate purposes I’m more interested in being able to view and share the map data. So a format like GeoJSON makes a lot more sense. We just need to convert the files.

Shapefiles to GeoJSON

First download the data from the source. In this case the Richmond GIS office provides their files via the city’s FTP site. I used my go-to FTP client to sync the GIS folder to a local folder and walked away. Having downlaoded the data I was left with a file structure including numerous zip files containing the shapefiles I was after. The proper way to get at these would be to script the entire process of unzipping and conversion. What I wanted to do was extract each file in place, and given my still limited shell-fu this turned out to be quicker to simply unzip theme one by one and then run the conversion.

With the unzipped data files safely in hand it’s time to convert the the shapefiles to GeoJSON format. To do so I used ogr2ogr which should be available if you have gdal installed. On a Mac you can install this with Homebrew:

brew install gdal

Now all we need to do is specify the output format and the projection to produce the requisite GeoJSON files. This was a bit simpler to do in the shell. This command finds every shapefile and pipes that filename to ogr2ogr using xargs.

find . -name "*.shp" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON -t_srs crs:84 {}.geojson {}

The ogr2ogr arguments specify the output format and the coordinate system. crs:84 specifies that the output coordinate system should use the WGS 84 system. As this is the only one that GitHub’s rendering system supports you should specify it here.

I’ve not done anything to amend the filenames except for appending the new geojson extension. This is primarily for simplicity of execution but also makes very explicit that this was converted from the named shapefile.

Some of the output files end up being pretty damn big. What the shapefile format lacks in accessibility it makes up for in size. I excluded all large files over 50 MB from the repository. Large files can make Git repos slow to work with, and as I wanted to host this on GitHub 100 MB files are verbotten. The 1 GB countour file was out of the question. These were all gzipped and shared publicly via an S3 bucket.

You can access the remainder of the files in the Richmond GIS repository.

Next steps

I’ve started going through some of the larger GeoJSON files and transforming them into TopoJSON files. This is a related JSON format that simplifies the data by deduping lines, at least for the purpose of representing topology. E.g. instead of city council districts being represented as individual polygons, with overlaping edges, those edges are reduced to a single edge (arcs). As important, the topojson tool also has some features for simplifying the arcs. A small reduction in resolution can yield large reductions in map size with little to no effect on our perception of or the utility of the map.

It’s worth reiterating some reasonable expectations when dealing with government data, especially local government data. You’re not going to get the interface you want and you’re not going to get the dataformats you want. You just have to accept that to start. That’s not to say that you shouldn’t ask, or better yet offer to help your local government identify and produce data in a way that’s accessible, but don’t expect it to work that way. Be prepared to work with data in a format that makes sense for the providing office, not necessarily for citizens or other interested third-parties.

I took some cues from Ben Balter’s blog post on converting shapefiles and recommend checking out his write up.