Python refactoring: comprehensions for great good

When digging into a codebase to either for the expressed purpose of cleaning it up or starting to work on features or bug fixes, one of the first things to look for in refactoring are interfaces with iterables: their selection, their creation, and how they’re selected from.

Invariably, you’ll find code like this:

mylist = []
for something in more_somethings:
    if something.is_valid():

If you were to try explaining what this does in English, you might be tempted to start from the top: this creates an empty list, and then it loops through the more_somethings variable… stop!

That is how the code works above, but that’s not really what it does. It creates a list of items from more_somethings that are valid. That’s it! So what’s the problem with the above code? It can and should be written like this:

mylist = [thing for thing in more_somethings if thing.is_valid()]

Which block of code better fits our description of what the code does? That’s right, the list comprehension.

What are comprehensions: a quick review

List comprehenions are a syntactic feature in Python (borrowed from Haskell) that allow you to create a list from another list using a set builder notation. Or to be more specific, that allow you to create a list from another iterator. Further, the syntax provides for logical conditionals that allow you to filter the source iterator into your new list.

And better yet, beyond list comprehensions there are other iterator comprehensions that let you create iterators other than lists, including dictionaries, sets, and even streams.

Why comprehensions

Whether refactoring or otherwise, why bother with list comprehensions? I’ll give three broad reasons:

Let’s go through these one by one.

Comprehensions are Pythonic

The first reason to use comprehensions is that they’re idiomatic Python. This is not a silly reason! In general I think its worth doing things the idiomatic way for a given language, barring good justification to the contrary. When working with other people it helps to work in an expected way. To do otherwise is like walking into an Australian coffee shop as an American and asking for a venti soy latte. If anybody does know what you’re asking about you’ll be lucky to leave with an eyeroll. You learn how people work in a system and you go with it. Not because it’s good to be a conformist but because you need to make sure everyone understands.

Further, the idiomatic way of doing things, Python specifically and often other languages, is quite often an optimized way of doing them.

Comprehensions make explicit what they return

The strongest reason to use comprehensions is their clarify. It’s not just line count. Comprehensions make clear what they return by their syntax. They allow you to skip the mechanics of constructing a list and do it in place. Look, it’s a list, it’s got brackets.

Comprehensions are faster (usually)

For at least basic list assignment, a comprehension is faster. I ran a short and informal benchmark starting with this code, simply executing with time python to check execution times. Here’s the original:

sentence = "thequickbrownfoxjumpsoverthelazydog"
vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}
for x in range(1000000):
    blah = []
    for i in sentence:
        if i in vowels:

Here’s the comprehension version:

sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}
for x in range(1000000):
    blah = [i for i in sentence if i in vowels]

In fact, I tested this with by adding blah = [] before the comprehension line to see what the variable assignment was doing, and the list comprehension version was still reliably about 15% faster than the list iteration and append version.

I’m not going to make any grand claims about list comprehensions always being faster, but a little testing leads me to believe that all things being equal, they’re faster than looped list-appending.

Beyond the list

The structure of a list comprehension is something like this:

<delimiter> <element expression> for <element> in <iterator> <conditional with element> <delimter>

Breaking this down we see that the square brackets are the delimiters used to contain the scope of the comprehension. They also indicate the type of object returned. We can change the delimiters used and now also change what kind of object is returned.

Let’s start switching around the delimiters.

Dictionary comprehensions

It’s probably best to start with the syntax.

some_dict = {k: v for k, v in [('a', 1), ('b', 2)]}

This comprehension iterates through the list of tuples, unpacks each tuple into a pair of two independent values, and then uses those as the key and value to create the dictionary.

Of course you can create the same dictionary using the dict constructor. So when would you use a dictionary comprehension? The obvious answer is when you want to transform or conditionally include items pulled from the iterator.

some_dict = {k: v for k, v in [('a', 1), ('b', 2)] if v % 2 == 0}

You could build the same dictionary using the dict constructor and tuples from a generator expression - more on that below. I tend to think the curly bracket expression for defining dictionaries tends to be more immediately descriptive.

Set expressions

Set expressions landed in Python 2.7 and work much as expected.

some_set = {value for value in some_iterator()}

Here’s the set of vowels from our sentence, in uppercase:

sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"
vowels = {'a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'}
set_of_vowels = {upper(i) for i in sentence if i in vowels}

Tuple… nah! Generator expressions

Despite appearances, there is no tuple comprehension. Instead, we have generator expressions.

Why? I’d reckon for two reasons: unlike lists, sets, and dictionaries, tuples are immutable and in the context of most Python code it doesn’t make much sense to construct them in the same way you would a list or set. They’re really record types. Secondly is because, well, we have generator expressions instead, and these can actually be warped into tuple generators, so they’ve got that going for them, too.

Here’s a sample list comprehension:

birthdays = [day for day in list_of_days if day.has_birthday()]

And here’s the same rewritten as a generator expression:

birthdays = (day for day in list_of_days if day.has_birthday())

The syntactical difference is the use of parentheses instead of brackets, as if we were constructing a tuple. The result of this expression, however, is a generator object. It has no value itself, rather it computes each sequential value as you iterator over it.

Refactoring and usage notes

Comprehensions are useful in projects new and old. In working on older projects however I’ve found them to be useful in reducing crufty code and bringing into relief what the real purpose of the code is.

With a grain of salt at the ready, you can go through old code and just start replacing any instance of a list, set, or dictionary built in place by initializing an empty object and adding to it with a comprehension equivalent. As a default strategy this will yield fewer unnecessary lines, easier to read lines, easier to comprehend code, and quite often fewer bugs (I’ve seen more than my share of poorly attempted assignment in for loops that did nothing - harder to get away with that in a comprehension).

Function returns

The most obvious case for a comprehension of any kind is a function that returns an iteratable of that type (note that I say iterable not iterator; if you want to build a generator there’s no benefit to using a generator expression).

class SomeClass:
    def odd_children(self):
        return [child in self.children if is_odd(child)]

Side effects

Don’t use comprehensions for the purpose of creating side effects like file output. That may well not work as expected and it occludes what you’re trying to do. Comprehensions scream “object constructed and returned here” so if that’s not your purpose then they’re the wrong tool.

Nested and long statements

A refrain I’ve come across is that you should only use comprehensions if they span a short single line, otherwise get rid of them. And likewise with nesting. That’s not bad advice but it’s not good advice, either. The real answer is always, “it depends”.

A long comprehension expression can be split.

mylist = [transform(item) for item in somelist if condition(item)]

Can be written instead as something like:

mylist = [
    for item in somelist
        if condition(item)

There’s not much of a gain in this particular example - the original isn’t that long - but it’s hardly bested by the recommended alternative.

mylist = []
for item in somelist:
    if condition(item):

What about complex nested comprehensions? My answer here is that if the comprehension clearly shows the structure of the returned object, then it’s a good idea.

class Region:
    def city_json(self):
        return json.dumps([
                    } for city in state.cities
            } for state in self.states

This is going to return a structure that looks like the JSON it renders.

    "Virginia": [{
        "Richmond": 220000
    }, {
        "Charlottesville": 50000
}, {
    "Maryland": [{
        "Baltimore": 622000
    }, {
        "Frederick": 67000

Skip for more complex logic

For anything more complex or that requires some knowledge of the object under construction you’ll just have to skip comprehensions. This includes complex predicates.

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