Installing pylibmc on Heroku

That which is not documented will cause you grief

pylibmc is a memcached client for Python. It’s a requirement for adding caching with memcached to a Python application, like a Django project. However you can find several instances where people have had difficulty installing it on Heroku.

The solution is actually mentioned in that first link, but I missed the significance of it until checking out the buildback source code.

The problem I was having, and all of these others folks, too, is that I was using multiple pip requirements files. As you can see on line 2, the buildback checks for pylibmc in one place, requirements.txt, the base file. My root requirements.txt was used only to inlclude requirements/production.txt. pylibmc was never detected, so libmemcached was never bootstrapped, and install failed. The solution is just moving this requirement to the base file.

Instead of:

-r requirements/production.txt

The requirements.txt file now looks like this:

-r requirements/production.txt

About multiple requirements files

One response to this problem was that multiple pip requirements files add more ‘overhead’ and breaks dev/production parity.

I fail to see what kind of overhead a few well organized requirements add to a project. If nothing else, it’s extremely convenient to be able to break out app requirements from development requirements. For a Django project, the core requirements would go into a requirements/base.txt file and requirements like Sphinx (you do document, right?) and flake8 go into a requirements/test.txt file. This lets you tell other developers to install from one pip requirements file, instead of checking off each that they need. Same with a CI server.

As for dev/production parity, this shouldn’t be a concern for the aforementioned requirements. Especially when slug size is a potential concern on Heroku, don’t install stuff in production you don’t need to run the application. It’s as simple as that. And on some teams, some projects, breaking that perfect dev/production parity might be acceptable. This is a tradeoff between environment parity and environment overhead. Mac to Linux already breaks this parity, so you need to assume you’re working with VM’s, e.g. Vagrant, using the same OS at your target production system. That’s a brilliant idea, but for simpler, short-run projects not always necessary.

Update: the excellent folks at Memcachier have since updated their documentation to make this explicit.

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